Case Study GunneboGunnebo Group has a portfolio of strong brands, several of which have a history stretching back hundreds of…Read more
Acquisition HealthLinkPRESS RELEASE Base Logistics Group, supported by Waterland Private Equity Investments, has announced the acquisition of HealthLink Europe…Read more
Case Study WahooWhether you are a runner, a cyclist or a fitness enthusiast Wahoo helps by turning a smartphone into…Read more
Case Study CymerChances are that the phone you use every day is equipped with a chip made using Cymer’s technology.…Read more
Case Study VarideskThe first VARIDESK was designed in Texas (USA) to help a friend with his back pain. VARIDESK customers…Read more
Logistics noveltyFor specific shipments it will be possible to track the goods via camera footage, starting next month. The…Read more
Lithium batteriesLast year the rules and regulations regarding the transport by air of lithium batteries were tightened. Stricter rules…Read more
Changes Commodity CodesIn the field of Commodity Codes (also known as HS codes, Nomenclature and Tariff Codes) many changes were…Read more